Defective Ram Slot

  1. Faulty Ram Slot
  2. How To Fix Defective Ram Slot

Is it possible to fix laptop memory slot failure with a guitar pick? Yes, it is. You will not fix the memory slot itself, but you can work around the problem. 🙂
Today I received a Toshiba Satellite Pro 4600 laptop with the following complaint:

If you see the RAM modules are ok but the problem is with your RAM slot, Then you will need to contact with computer manufacture customer support. If your warranty is expired, Go to an expert technician who can help you. In that case, You may need to replace your motherboard. Sometimes, Reconnecting RAM modules can fix the problem. I hear about this frequently. The computer did not have RAM in the slot from the factory, and when someone tries to add RAM, it does not recognize it. I have discovered something. My MOBO is indeed bad. The number 1 RAM slot does not work. I actually got the 1 and the 5 slots confused before and never did try 1 stick of ram in 1, 3, and 5. I had only been testing it in 5 just to see if my RAM was bad. So I tried 1 stick of RAM in each slot and SLot 1 is bad thus meaning the Mobo is bad. To check the new RAM wasn't defective, I tried it in slot 1, a known good slot. All 4 sticks of RAM worked in slot 1, so the RAM wasn't faulty. All 4 sticks work in every slot except slot 2 (the first black RAM slot). If I put any stick in slot 2 - old or new - the PC is dead, it won't even boot to the BIOS. Missing RAM: Windows might show that you have less RAM than you actually have seated. This can usually be solved by re-seating the RAM or switching the slots the RAM sits in, but if not, this could indicate that you need a replacement stick.

The laptop starts and works properly, but recognizes only one of the two memory modules installed. The laptop has two 256MB RAM modules installed, but registers only 256MB.

First of all, I removed the memory cover to find out if both memory modules are installed correctly. The laptop had two 256MB Kingston modules installed and they were seated properly.

When I started the laptop and entered the BIOS setup menu, I found that only one of the two memory modules is detected and the laptop registers only 256MB (262144KB) of RAM instead of 512MB (524288KB).
Just a side note. In the computer world 1MB=1024KB. That’s why 256MB=262144KB and 512MB=524288KB.

I tried reseating both memory modules but it didn’t help.
After that I tried installing both memory modules in both memory slots one by one and here’s what I found. The laptop worked absolutely fine when both memory modules were installed into the slot A, but failed to boot with both memory modules installed into the slot B.
Apparently, there is nothing wrong with the memory modules and the laptop has a faulty memory slot B. The memory slot is permanently soldered on the motherboard. If one of the slots fails you’ll have to replace the whole motherboard or use the laptop with only one working slot.
Buying a new motherboard for this older laptop wouldn’t make any sense because it’s too expensive, but the laptop is still in a good working condition except the faulty memory slot B, so I continued playing with that trying to find the solution.

I noticed that the laptop start normally with the memory module installed into the faulty slot if I slightly press on the module with my thumb. And this gave me an idea.

This guitar pick is going to fix my laptop. 🙂

I installed both RAM modules back into the slots and then placed the guitar pick over the module in the slot B as it shown on the picture.

I thought if I close the RAM door it will press on the guitar pick/memory module and it will have the same effect as pressing on the module with my thumb. And it worked!

Both memory modules were detected properly and the laptop registered all 512MB. After “the fix” I tested memory with Memtest86+ and the laptop passed the test.
I wouldn’t call it the best solution for fixing a faulty memory slot but in some cases it will work.

Faulty ram slotFaulty

Faulty Ram Slot

By the way, I didn’t charge the customer for this “repair”, he knows what is going on and how I “fixed” his problem.

June 27, 2019

How To Fix Defective Ram Slot

    RAM! A very common word among the techy people. The full form is Random Access Memory! Computer stores temporary data on it and use when it needs these data. These are cleared when you shutdown your PC. Nowadays, Mobile, tab or any smart devices may have RAM as well as CPU. RAM problem is not very common.

    Sometimes, You may encounter memory problem on your PC. It can be a serious issue. So, You should know the symptoms, causes and the ways to repair it.

    Symptoms of RAM Problem:

    May be it is less common than other problems. But it can cause many other issues on your PC. If there is anything wrong with your RAM or its modules, You will face the following things –

    • Your PC may start normally. But when you want to do any work on your Computer, You may experience a very slow performance issue though you have much RAM capacity. A small programs may take long time to open or a very simple webpage may hang on loading stage. After all, Your PC performance may become so slow or unresponsive.
    • PC may freeze suddenly and your keyboard or mouse may not response. After that it will restart automatically.
    • Your computer may restart right after opening desktop window.
    • Bad RAM may cause blue screen of death. So, You may face BSOD problem without any reason anytime. It can be so much annoying.
    • Attempting to install any programs may take long time or may stop without any reason or may show you an unknown error.
    • When you try to install windows to get back your normal performance, It may take very long time or shows you unexpected error. So, Sometimes, It may completely prevent you to install any OS on your PC.
    • Again, Your PC may make sounds “beep beep beep” continuously and your monitor may not show any thing.

    These are the common symptoms of faulty RAM issue.

    Reasons Behind Memory Problems:

    This problem can be caused by many things. These are the most common reasons –

    • Excessive heat can cause this problem. Sometimes, Your CPU may become over heated and cause RAM or other hardware problems.
    • Sometimes, Your memory module may have problem. That problem can also cause your RAM fault.
    • Power surges also may cause RAM problem as well as any other component damage
    • Else, There are many other reasons behind it.

    Diagnose RAM Errors:

    It can be diagnose by several ways. You also may know that you have memory problems by experiencing the symptoms i mentioned above. But the following methods will make more clear that you are really a victim –

    • Run Windows Memory Diagnostic tool. It will show you the memory problems with a bit details.
    • Your PC may starts and you may access your PC. But during startup it may cause multiple beep sounds and it obviously proves that there is something wrong with your RAM or module.
    • If you are facing the memory issue after placing a New RAM stick, It will indicate the errors with the RAM module. Just disconnect the new stick and see what happens. If disconnecting new memory stick fix the RAM problem, You must fix that module. Because, That’s the real culprit.
    • Again, Your memory slot can be the real culprit. So, Just place the RAM module to another slot and see what happens.
    • There are many trusted tools to diagnose this problems. You also can use that.

    How to Fix RAM Problems:

    OK. Most of the time, You may need to buy a new RAM module or replace. Anyway, These are the things you can do –

    • At first diagnose. If you find the problem is with your module, Change it or buy new one.
    • If you see the RAM modules are ok but the problem is with your RAM slot, Then you will need to contact with computer manufacture customer support. If your warranty is expired, Go to an expert technician who can help you. In that case, You may need to replace your motherboard.
    • Sometimes, Reconnecting RAM modules can fix the problem. But it will be temporary.

    Warning (Read Carefully):

    You also should know that sometimes RAM problem can be misdiagnosed. Because, Graphics card error also may cause similar symptoms. Again hard disk error also may cause somethings. So, You should run chkdsk. Update all of your drivers and try to find out more deeply. You also may contact with your known persons who have experience of similar problems.

    So these are the things, You can do if you face RAM problems. If this article is helpful or useless, You can tell us by comment. We’ll try to improve our article quality.

    source: hubpages